“Broken Themes”

” themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template “

Above Error message, display on Appearance -> Themes -> list of theme, when we have problem in new created theme or new created wordpress child theme.

In generally wordpress theme have below minimom file for wordpress theme.

WordPress Main/Parent Theme:

  1. style.css with proper stylesheet header.
  2. index.php which work as template.

WordPress Child Theme:

  1. style.css with proper stylesheet header. It’s should have ‘Template’ keyword with parent theme name. for example Template: twentyfifteen(or any parent theme name)

So to solve the Broken Themes error we have to make sure points:

  1. Make sure if theme is parent, it should have index.php and style.css
  2. Make sure if theme is child, it should have style.css with parent theme name in ‘Template’ stylesheet header value.
  3. If it happen in child theme then make sure parent theme is available and installed.
  4. Parent theme should not be part of any other directory.
  5. Try to reinstall parent theme.